About Us

About Us

We are a technology-oriented team that exists for people like you who need technology in their daily lives. We understand that not everybody who uses technology is tech-savvy, and we keep that in mind as we provide you with relevant information.

We intend to provide you with the know-how to leverage today’s technology by delivering content written in simple language that you can easily grasp, regardless of your background or skill level. By doing so, we enable you to use technology in a productive, purposeful manner.

While our focus may be on providing you with relevant information on freeware, we would like to take a holistic approach by not limiting ourselves to giving you a list of freeware or their sources.

Through our website, we strive to provide you with the following services:

  • Tips, Tricks, Treats, and Techniques
  • We will provide you with relevant information that is not limited to software. What good is your knowledge of software if you are struggling with the other aspects of technology?

    With people’s growing dependence on technology, it is not unusual for people to own two or more devices or gadgets to see them through their daily activities, whether at work, at play, or at home. Add to that the increasing number of apps and software that promise to make your life convenient and your data secure, and it all becomes confusing; you realize you’re spending way too much time with those apps and software, yet you don’t get to accomplish much.

    Through our website, we hope to make your lives easier by teaching you simple ways of making the most of your devices while keeping them secure, helping you select the best apps and software for your varied needs, and pointing you to websites that offer interesting and relevant information so you can expand your technical knowledge.

  • Freeware Sources
  • Buying software can drill a big hole in your pocket, so you would want to get a free version. However, after several minutes of downloading a free version of the software, you may find that it is not really what you needed, so you end up scouring websites again.

    We present you with a novel alternative to sourcing freeware by vetting new software that comes out in the market and publishing them in our blog, so you don’t have to comb through several freeware websites to find out what’s new. On top of that, we won’t just feature the popular software, but we will include those that are practical to use.

    Nobody wants to deal with annoying pop-ups and threatening spyware, so we recommend sites and freeware that do not have those to allow you a better computing experience.

    We will even identify for you the best sources of freeware to save you time.

  • A safe venue for information exchange
  • Most tech websites encourage their site visitors to ask questions. Although that might be helpful, technologically-challenged individuals might find it intimidating. There is that fear of asking what others might find a stupid question, so they choose not to ask.

    We offer a non-threatening platform by creating a network of tech tyros who either need or want to develop their understanding of software, tech experts who share our vision of educating people on everything related to software, and in-betweeners who want to learn and contribute.

Our vision is for this network to become a community of technology users who learn from one another through various means, ranging from a simple question and answer exchange to a forum that we will host for you.

With the rapid technological changes, more and more software ranging from productivity boosters, device safeguards, or data security are either being developed or updated. Keeping track of them has become a challenge. Our blogs will help you overcome that challenge.

As part of this community we are building, we would love to hear from you. Feel free to send us your comments, inquiries, and suggestions.